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   Anita Ikonen

Anita Ikonen - Remote Viewer


I started doing what could be called "channeling" a couple years ago. In it I would choose a subject to connect to psychically and could describe what I see, hear, and feel openly. These targets were chosen and known by me beforehand so they were not done under blind or double blind conditions and were not remote viewing.

In February 2018 I came across the concept of "remote viewing", which was the same as the channeling I had been doing, only that it uses a random target number and has a hidden target that is unknown to the remote viewer at the time of remote viewing, and is done under double blind conditions. Ever since then I have been remote viewing.

I have designed my very own method of remote viewing from scratch, without learning or using any of the preexisting methods of remote viewing, the only thing I have borrowed from earlier methods of remote viewing, is the setup of using a random target number, there being a hidden target, the double blind condition, and the task of building a report in writing and drawing based on the impressions from a target signal. What I do with the target signal, and how I construct the report, is entirely my own design, and I named my new method Elements Target Construction ETC.

My name is Anita Ikonen. I grew up in Sweden. Remote viewing has become the number one greatest passion if not obsession of my life, as there are so many applications to use it on. I was going to continue on my studies toward becoming a Medical Physicist, but am contemplating on whether remote viewing might be an even better career choice for me.

I studied toward a B.S. Chemistry and a B.S. Physics Optical Science in the United States, and have used my education and experience in science in the experimentation and development of remote viewing and its many variables as I have worked toward developing a new remote viewing method. I am very strict when it comes to the real meaning of the "double blind" condition, and consider concepts such as frontloading and retasking as breaches of the double blind condition. One of the most intrigueing aspects of remote viewing, is that it not only functions but functions better under the double blind condition, and that it can perform beyond statistical probability of random chance under controlled settings.

If you want to contact me about remote viewing you can find me on Facebook.