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According to me. Other sources about remote viewing might offer different terminology and descriptions.

If all individual statements in a report summary are graded as either yes, no, or ? based on if they correlate to the target feedback, and the ? are ignored, then the total of yes divided by the total of yes and no (multiplied by a hundred) provides the accuracy%. Accuracy% can also be calculated for the listed elements in a report.

A blind target means that the remote viewer does not know what the target is when going into a remote viewing session, a blind target is a target that is unknown to the remote viewer. Ideally this also implies that the entire target pool is also blind to the remote viewer, if a target pool exists. We can also say that a remote viewer is blind to the target, when these conditions are met.

When a remote viewing report depicts something else other than the intended target, displacement has taken place. I distinguish between two different types of displacement: switching, and merging. Switching is when a report depicts only something else and does not depict the intended target at all. Merging is when the report depicts the intended target and also something else. When merging displacement takes place, there are either elements of both the intended target and something else in the report, or that the intended target and something else have merged into something brand new which does not exist on its own on either of the two sources of impressions. Displacement can take impressions outside the intended target from: time span from start of session until before feedback, if feedback is delayed and other non-target pictures are seen before feedback; if a self-matching protocol is used where the remote viewer is shown the intended target together with other non-targets before knowing which one was the intended target; if other pictures especially interesting ones are seen shortly after completing a session where feedback and closure process was not properly made; if two remote viewing sessions are done back to back without a proper feedback and closure process in between the two and with not enough time separating the two sessions in particular when a session is done immediately after a previous session; when I used a protocol which uses two target images at the same time then that induces a merging effect. Displacement is considered a nuisance in remote viewing, and can lead to a significant source of error and reduction of remote viewing performance, since remote viewing performance is measured based on the correlation of a report to its intended target only. However displacement is just as fascinating as remote viewing is, only that displacement has remote viewing go to the wrong address and not to the intended target. I would recommend that displacement is not treated with contempt or dislike, because remote viewing is still fully functional it seems, just that the mechanics of how the remote viewing sessions are planned out and carried out need to ensure that remote viewing goes to the right address. It would be unfair to remote viewing, to consider displacement as a failure.

Double blind
Double blind means that the conditions of blind are met and that we are also specifying that in addition there are no persons in contact with the remote viewer before or during the session who have knowledge of all or some aspects of the target formulation. Most blind remote viewing sessions are also double blind remote viewing sessions but the double blind condition is often not mentioned. Remote viewers who work alone without contact with the person who has prepared the targets before or during the session are working under double blind conditions.

Elements are bits and pieces, fragments, perceived by a remote viewer from a target. Elements typically show up as colored shapes. There are three different kinds of elements: initial elements, secondary elements, and tertiary elements.

False Feedback
False Feedback is a term I think I used the first time under the SK protocol where I saw what I called false feedback which I attributed to having caused a displacement effect with time travel of information. If "feedback" is to see the actual intended target, then "false feedback" is to see other pictures which were not intended to be a target, a false feedback is seen in the time span that starts when the target number is first seen (session starts) and until the intended feedback is seen (end of session, or closure). Pictures or videos that are seen in the time span from start of session until intended feedback, are at risk of having been remote viewed prior to being seen. False feedback is identified in that they have already been recorded in the report based on RV impressions that were had, and have strong resemblance to impressions in the report, and false feedback are seen after they were already recorded in the report.

After the end of a remote viewing session when the remote viewer has completed its report and can add nothing more to the report, it is ideal that the remote viewer gets to see a target feedback. The feedback can be the target page in which the target was formulated during that session. Not all session have feedback available. I have not yet studied the impact on remote viewing experience and remote viewing performance from the comparison of whether feedback is given or not given. A remote viewer appreciates feedback in order to see what the target was both out of curiosity as well as to settle the impressions they have had in their mind as well as to continue to learn and enhance their remote viewing skill. Feedback can also give closure to the session which helps to prepare the remote viewer to its next remote viewing session with less risk of displacement contamination.

Feedback Report
I made a feedback report for the first time on September 14, 2019 for session WR89. A feedback report is meant to be part of the feedback and closure process. The theory is that all the behaviors immediately after feedback can retroactively factor into the session which was done just a moment earlier. A proper feedback and closure process can strengthen the target signal, provide better accuracy and detail to the report, and most importantly reduce the risk of displacement, or so I theorize. A feedback report is made after the remote viewing session, by looking at the target feedback picture, to create a mock written report and a mock report drawing based on what one would expect or want RV to produce. Theoretically, this can be like "showing RV" the target retroactively which might do a time travel of information backwards in time to when the actual report was being made, and a possible second separate function of making a feedback report is to teach RV what we expect or want in a report of a target.

Feedback Tracing
I did a feedback tracing for the first time on September 14, 2019 for session WR89. After a session is complete and feedback has been obtained by seeing the target image, to take the target image and draw with black pen over it to mark all the elements of the target image that were in the actual report, I then add a 50% opaque white background behind those to highlight them on the image. This copy of the target image is then called a "feedback tracing" image. Feedback tracing is part of a feedback and closure process, theoretically this kind of exercise will retroactively improve the remote viewing which was done in the near past, because theoretically remote viewing is reaching into the near future for impressions.

A remote viewer perceives with extrasensory perception, individual impressions which are delivered to the remote viewer from the target by means of the target signal. Impressions can describe physical structure such as walls or water or plants or people, impressions can also describe sensory information such as a person's thoughts at the target site, movement, elevation, density, forces, emotions, context, sounds, tastes, smells, and more.

Remote viewer
A remote viewer is a person who is going to look at a target number or target source page to connect to a target signal and through extrasensory perception receive impressions and elements from the target and will construct a report from those impressions, the report should consist of both writing and drawings.

Remote viewing
Remote viewing is to use a blind target under double blind conditions to construct a report based on impressions perceived about the target through extrasensory perception.

A remote viewer creates a report which records the impressions coming from the target signal. A report should consist of one written part and one drawing part. A session can also be recorded on video or audio instead of writing, or to only produce a drawing or only writing, but it seems best to always produce a report which consists of one part writing and one part drawing. The written part can record elements and impressions that cannot be drawn, such as abstract impressions, feelings, emotions, movement, density data, and more. And a drawing can record things that would be more difficult to record in writing, such as shapes and colors and relative orientation of elements and how elements connect together.

The time from start until completion when a remote viewer works on a target to construct a report is one remote viewing session. Each session has one target only.

A target is something which the remote viewer is going to perceive impressions about in a remote viewing session. A target can be virtually anything, it can be a location, a person or several persons, an event, a place, animals, nature, it can be on planet Earth on the ground level or under the ocean or high up on a mountain, outdoors or indoors, a target can also be in outer space. A target can be in the present time of the remote viewing session, or be in a time in the past, or a time in the future. A target needs to be hidden or concealed from the remote viewer before and during the remote viewing session. The remote viewer must not be informed anything about the target before or during the session, with the exception of in some cases a frontloading or retasking which is very limited to target categories or to revisit an already found element, but use of frontloading and retasking must be limited and is preferably avoided. A target can be formulated into a target page by another person called a tasker, assigned a target number, or a target could also not have a target number.

Target number
When a target is constructed for a remote viewing session, meaning that the target is prepared by a tasker, the target is often assigned with its own new random target number. The remote viewer will be given or shown the target number for that target. The target number acts to embody the target signal and to pass on the target signal to the remote viewer, and by so doing the target number bypasses the need for the remote viewer to be in direct access to the target identity. Not all targets are tasked with target numbers, remote viewing is also possible with targets that have no target number assigned to them at all. A target number can be in virtually any kind of format. My favorite target number format is the one that most remote viewers also seem to prefer, and is in the format of 1234-5678 where these numbers correspond to new randomly assigned numbers.

Target signal
When a remote viewer makes first contact with the target signal, impressions will instantly begin to flow from the target to the remote viewer. A target signal can be located on the target number, or when there is no target number there should then at least be what I call a source page. The target signal is similar to a temperature glow which exists across the source of the target signal, be it the target number or the source page. I say temperature glow because the target signal can be felt like a tangible tactile sensation like a cloud almost. The target signal carries within it all the information which describes the target site structure and identity. The remote viewer perceives impressions from the target signal and should report those in writing or as drawings in the report. The remote viewer can then continue to work with the impressions that were obtained from the target signal. The remote viewer can always return back to the target signal at any time by looking at the target number or source page.