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     Delayed Feedback
     RV Better
     SK Displacement
     Computer Targets
     Quiet Logic
     Training Logic


To the left are pages which discuss interesting findings I have made about remote viewing.

April 1 2020 was an important day in my ETC remote viewing. On this day I had used advice given by a fellow remote viewer on how to succeed at delayed feedback remote viewing and I was successful. Incidentally I started my new YouTube channel on that day, giving my channel this important birth date. I was excited that in numerology the birth date April 1 2020 gives a perfect 9 which represents helping humanity. My own birth date also makes the number 9. However it bothered me that this was on April 1, which is the day of April Fools and jokes and not being taken seriously. But I accepted, with some pain in my heart, that this date was what the universe had given for my ETC.

Later I abandoned using the advice given by the fellow remote viewer on delayed feedback sessions. I started using a new methodology on delayed feedback sessions. There was a pivotal session which is when I declared to myself that I had ARRIVED as a remote viewer, that the development was finally finished. This then marked another important date on my ETC journey. This day happened to be today, May 9 2020 and I realized that this day too makes 9 in numerology, and I started a new YouTube channel on this day. So this was also meant to be.

This also shows how I almost went with the advice by a fellow remote viewer (9) and ended up going with another yet better advice from myself (9), and the first advice turned out to be April Fools a trick a stray path, and so now in hindsight this all makes perfect sense. The universe has spoken.