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     WR Protocol
     MP Protocol
     SMP Protocol
     ARV Protocol
     PRCP Protocol
     NS Protocol
     W1D1SM Protocol


There are many different ways to remote view. I keep track of all the different protocols which are different from other protocols. The reports and results obtained from one protocol, are listed separately from those obtained with a different protocol. This is how we can figure out how the different variables affect the remote viewing performance, and this is also how we can figure out what the "best" protocol to use is which obtains the best remote viewing performance.

If as much as one variable is different, then it typically belongs into its own protocol. Apples and oranges are both round and fruit, but they belong in separate baskets.

Some of the variables include, who is the person who prepared the targets i.e. the tasker, what is the target pool (where are the targets made available from), what format of target number or no target number at all, what do I do with the remote viewing, how much effort do I put into a session, do I work a session to completion or do I end the session before going through all the probing and assembly, what type of target was it (such as black and white picture, illustration or drawing, and so forth), there are also many other variables.

I will try to give each separate protocol its own two-letter prefix and to then number the individual sessions for that protocol in the order in which they were made in that protocol. Reports will then be listed for each protocol separately, keeping track of them by their two-letter prefix. I will be writing up all of the different protocols I have used, and describe all the protocols on their own pages.