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My Remote Viewing Reports

Note! You cannot judge my remote viewing ability based on these uploaded remote viewing sessions only. Most of the sessions here, are already very old, or are part of various quick or partial experimental protocols or even flawed protocols, and I have not yet uploaded all, or some of my best, sessions that I have made.

I am going to publish every single remote viewing session and report I ever made. Because I have made that my principle. Regardless of the tasker, target pool, protocol used, effort and time put into a session, or its results. I am usually several months behind on the work of uploading sessions but eventually they will all be there. I did my first RV session in February 2018 and have probably made over a thousand by now.

My remote viewing performance varies a lot depending on what target pool I have used, what protocol I used them under, and how much effort and time I have put into the sessions. Some of the other protocols I have used are under experimental conditions which make remote viewing harder than it needs to be, and in some protocols I have deliberately applied less effort or done quick sessions, which produce a lower remote viewing performance in terms of correlation to the target feedback.

PROPER - Here are some of my best remote viewing work. These are ones where I simply want to do a good job on a target, and usually put in a lot more effort and time on them. These are usually also ones that had a proper tasker who prepared the targets.

PRACTICE - Target pools where I am practicing on further developing the skill on a particular remote viewing detail. Such as practice on drawing human portraits.

MEDIOCRE - Here are reports where I usually do not put in the full effort, usually these here are used for other applications, such as Associative Remote Viewing ARV which only relies on a quick sketch.

EXPERIMENTAL - Quick tests I have done on RV variables, a little bit of playing around on how remote viewing functions, testing out new and different things.