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   RV MatchMaker

Match Making by using Remote Viewing combined with the Law Of Attraction

Remote viewing means to have a hidden target which is unknown to the remote viewer, or double blind, usually tasked on a feedback page which has a picture of the target and a random assigned target number for the target, and the remote viewer works with the target signal emanating from the target number, and creates a report in writing and with drawings.

Law of Attraction means to decide what you want, visualize it in detail, and to add a lot of power, intent, focus into it with the desire and intention of creating and manifesting it into real life.

I want to see if I can combine remote viewing with law of attraction to help people design, and meet, their ideal partner.

I will assign a random target number with the tasking intent of it describing the perfect partner for the recipient. I remote view the target number and create a report in writing and drawing. I can also video record the session, and also with or without me remote viewing it on webcam. With or without audio. And I can spend a differing amount of work on the remote viewing session. I will then submit the final report to the recipient, who gets to read and review it closely and carefully. If the recipient is happy with the person described in the report, the recipient can give me their blessing to manifest the person into their life. I will then try to manifest the person into their life, using my own intent.

I have manifested many partners and also friends into my life over the years. I now want to see if I can help others, by first remote viewing their ideal partner, and then helping to lend my manifesting skills for them, and if it can bring the perfect ideal partner into their life soon!

I will start practicing with friends and see what we come up with!

Update: On the other hand, I wonder to what extent this kind of a project can be done blind. If it is not blind enough then it is not remote viewing.